5 Years Old
7:34 AM
Last day i just past my old house. Rumah yang dulu jadi hunian masa kecilku. Where i spent my kindergaten and primary school. Tidak terlalu besar, tapi juga tidak terlalu kecil. Sedang dan cukup membuat 5 anggota keluarga selalu dapat berkumpul. I was remember, when i was just a little girl, maybe 6 or 7 years old, i always buying one big bowl of es kelapa muda and one bowl of meatball. Ketika aku pulang dari sekolah dengan mobil antar jemput, aku selalu minta diturunkan di depan gerobak bakso dan es kelapa muda yang kebetulan bersebelahan. Di siang yang panas..oh MY COOL GOD! that was a perfect combination when you hungry and thirsty in the sweltering afternoon.
Ah! and i remember always buying a lot of candy and snack in the small shop. It's close enough from my house, so in the evening i ride my bike and playing with my neighbor kids. Selesai main, kita beli es lilin kemudian pulang kerumah masing-masing. Dan satu hal yang selalu membuat aku suka dengan rumahku yang dulu, in my next door, there is a comic rental! How much i love to spent my day in there! Aku bisa pinjam sepuas hati, dan sebanyak yang aku mau! H.E.A.V.E.N.
But i have to moving. Rumahku berada dalam kawasan rentan banjir, nasib setiap tahun air menggenang setinggi dengkulku. At first, i was crying and crying. I just won't to move away from there. But then, my Dad said, "di rumah baru ada tangganya."
That's my story about one of the best house of mine. Thanks GOD, we don't always have to move. I always won't to have a story with my house ♥
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